Monday, February 24, 2014


It's my most awaited Mr and Ms Lyceum Manila. You could say you can sense my excitement. Wahaha. First, I am all set and ready to attend. Second, I already have a bet. It's none other than...


...Carlo Castillo

He was the first person to caught my discerning eye when I saw the pageant poster. He kinda remind me of somebody, you see. Another darling of my eye. 

I'm still devouring him inch by inch so take the chance and partake in this fête mâle. 

Uhm... I'll bypass the height...

 But I can't bypass this girl.
 Stop me before I grab her and fling her in the ring.

Uh-oh. Mommy! Pack me a sack of rice!

We'll have a date at the walls.

And later, will watch him play basketball.

Wishful thinkings! Wahaha. Anyway, I hope he has the sense to accompany his style. I hope he wins. Vote for him at You will also see his edge over the other contestants. Physically speaking, that is. 


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