Sunday, February 23, 2014


Because I don’t want to be called bitter or whatever negatives, let me rework this post into a positive one.  Here are the hits, never mind the misses, of JPIA Night.. The theme was "A Night At the Titanic: Class, Fashion. Grandeur, All Intertwined as One."

1. Glamorous Cyra

Cyra is derived from the Persian word for throne. Gosh, give this girl the throne for the best dressed. Boy, I'm telling you, the dress, albeit simple and well, common, is a stand-out from the cacophony of tacky dresses that plagued the venue. Oh, I'm being mean. Let's have the next entry.

2. au naturel Melrinn

Another short number. I love the simplicity of the dress and the lace neckline, it's just plain love, love, love.And well, they make a cute couple, don't you agree? Haha.

3. Super Nova

If no long dress made the cut that night, I'd die. Honestly. Fortunately, this unstoppable chica proved to be an A-lister not only in her accounting subjects but also in the red carpet. 

And unfortunately, those are the selected few who made the cut. There you go.


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